Incorporated in 1997 under Brazilian laws, Capeva Agricola Ltda. is a farmland operator company focused on grains and cattle production. Currently farming on more than 14.000 acres in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul produces more than 1,000,000 bushels of grains and manage a cattle herd with more than 3,000 heads.
At Capeva Agricola every employee has the opportunity to develop their full potential and knowledge thru formal and on-the-job education, ensuring a smooth integration between human resources and latest technologies.
Capeva Agricola Ltda. understands the responsibility that comes along with farming. Among several initiatives to preserve natural resources the company is proud to emphasize the fact it maintains a 10% incremental of preserved forest over the minimum required by local authorities.
Its in-house expertise on risk management enable the company to operate on the futures and options market protecting the business against price fluctuation and unwanted risk exposure.
The company sees grain storage as a strategic part of the business as it gives the capability to better manage cash flow, farm-loan programs and price fluctuation.
No process is complete if food safety is left aside. From the fields up to its final delivery the company dedicates constant care on how grains and cattle are handled.